
Passport Information



Office hours are 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday.
You must arrive so that all transactions are completed by closing.

Why Have a Passport?

A passport is an internationally recognized travel document that verifies the identity and nationality of the bearer. A valid U.S. passport is required to enter and leave most foreign countries. Only the U.S. Department of State has the authority to grant, issue or verify United States passports.

Passport Requirements

View the tabs above for information on each of these requirements.

  • Travel Documents for U.S. Citizens
  • Passport Application Acceptance Program Changes - Several important changes in the Passport Program became effective on December 27, 2021. Several important changes in the Passport Program relative to Puerto Rican birth certificates became effective on October 30, 2010.
  • Documentation for Children Under Age 16 - What you need to document children under age 16.

All international travel requires a passport book or a passport card.

PHOTOGRAPHS: You must submit ONE 2" X 2" color passport photo taken within the last six months. Photographs must meet U.S. government requirements, which are listed on their website.

PROOF OF CITIZENSHIP: Expired passport issued to an adult or Naturalization Certificate (must be original) or Certified Copy of your Division in the state in which you were born). Persons born in Alabama can go to any local Health Department to purchase a certified copy of their Birth Certificate. It will be issued at the time of purchase. If you were born in another state, you must contact that state’s Division of Vital Statistics. There are several sites on the Internet that can assist you in this matter. Persons 15 and older, who held a prior passport, can use that Passport in lieu of the certified birth certificate. This instrument will be submitted with your application and returned within two weeks after receipt of your passport.

PASSPORT FEE: Personal check, cashier’s check or money order payable to U.S. Department of State. Fees can be combined for persons applying at the same time.



Payment Instructions:*The application fee is paid directly to the Department of State. **The Execution/Acceptance Fee is paid directly to the acceptance facility. Two separate payments are required. (Effective 12/27/2021)


ADULT APPLICANTS (16 Years and Older)

What are you applying for? Use Form Application Fee
*Paid to the
U.S. Department of State
Execution Fee
(Acceptance Fee)
**Paid to the Acceptance Facility
First-Time Adult Passport Book DS-11 $130 $35
First-Time Adult Passport Card
Not valid for international air travel. Valid only for travel by land
and by sea to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean.
DS-11 $30 $35
First-Time Adult Passport Book & Card DS-11 $160 $35


What are you applying for? Use Form Application Fee
*Paid to the
U.S. Department of State
Execution Fee
(Acceptance Fee)
**Paid to the Acceptance Facility
Minor Passport Book DS-11 $100 $35
Minor Passport Card
A passport card is valid only for travel by land and by sea to the
following locations: Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean.
DS-11 $15 $35
Minor Passport Book & Card DS-11 $115 $35

OPTIONAL FEES (Paid to the U.S. Department of State)

Expedite Fee Paid per application, in addition to required fees. Provides faster processing than routine service. $60
1-2 Day Delivery Paid per application for 1-2 day delivery of an issued passport book from the Department of State to the customer. Only applies to mailing addresses within the United States. Not valid for passport cards. $21.36
File Search Fee A file search is necessary when an applicant is unable to present evidence of U.S. citizenship or verification of a previously issued U.S. Passport or Consular Report of Birth Abroad. Applicant must submit Form DS-11 and a written request for a file search. $150

ADULT RENEWALS (16 Years and Older) To renew your passport, you must apply by mail or in person at a passport agency, if you are traveling within 14 days. A $60 expedite fee is charged at passport agencies. Below are the fees for basic renewals. Optional fees may apply.

What are you renewing? Use Form Application Fee
*Paid to the U.S. Department of State
Adult Passport Book DS-82 $130
Adult Passport Card
Not valid for international air travel. Valid only for travel by land and by sea to Canada, Mexico, Bermuda, and the Caribbean.
DS-82 $30
Adult Passport Book & Card DS-82 $160


 IMPORTANT: If you are flying, a book is REQUIRED. The card is valid only for travel by car or ship. Be aware that any emergency requiring flight will require a passport book.

  • Children 16 or 17 may appear with one parent or legal guardian to sign the application in the office.
  • Children 15 and younger must appear with both parents or legal guardian to sign the application in the office.

EXECUTION FEE (Book and Card): $35.00 cash or check made payable to Chris Priest, Circuit Clerk.

IDENTIFICATION: A State issued ID (i.e. Driver's License) or federally issued ID (i.e. military) is required. We cannot accept privately issued forms of identification (i.e. work badges). If you do not hold identification issued by the State of Alabama, you must present a second identification.

Submitting incorrect passport fees could delay the processing of your application. For more information regarding passport fees, please visit travel.state.gov/passportfees or call 1-877-487-2778, TDD/TTY: 1-888-874-7793 for the most up-to-date application processing times.

En Espanol


Utilice este enlace para obtener informacion del pasaporte en espanol
Tasas de pasaporte En espanol



Chris Priest, Circuit Clerk
1st Floor, Morgan County Courthouse
302 Lee Street NE
Decatur, Alabama 35601
Phone 256-351-4796


Travel Documents for U.S. Citizens

Apply for one or both, it's your choice.

Validity (Passports):

  • 10 years for adults
  • 5 years for minors


  • 5” x 3 ½” (when unopened)

Cost for first time applicants:

  • $130 for adults
  • $80 for minors

Cost for U.S. Passport book renewal:

  • $130 for adults

Validity (Passport Cards):

  • 10 years for adults
  • 5 years for minors

Cost for first time applicants:

    Wallet Size:
  • $30 for adults
  • $15 for minors


If you apply for both documents at the same time:
Cost for first time applicants:
Adults: $160.00
Minors: $115.00

Passport Application Acceptance Program Changes

Passport Services
Bureau of Consular Affairs
United States Department of State


Beginning April 1, 2011 all United States birth certificates submitted for minor and adult passport applications must contain the name of the parent(s) in addition to the previous requirements. All United States birth certificates must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Show the full name of the parent(s)
  • Be issued by the office of vital statistics of the state, county, or city where the birth occurred;
  • Show the full name of the child at birth;
  • Indicate the date and place of birth;
  • Bear the embossed, impressed, multi-colored, or raised seal and signature of the issuing authority;
  • Indicate a registration or file date that is within one year of the birth; and
  • Be an original and certified document (notarized copies and photocopies are not accepted)

United States birth certificates that do not meet these standards will not be acceptable as primary evidence of citizenship.

If you have any questions, please contact your regional customer service manager(s).

Thank you!


As of October 30, 2010, the Department of State will only accept Puerto Rican birth certificates issued on or after July 1, 2010 as primary evidence of U.S. citizenship.

Beginning October 30, 2010, your facility should only accept Puerto Rican birth certificates issued on or after July 1, 2010. Affected customers that do not yet have a new Puerto Rican birth certificate should be referred to the official websites below for information on how to apply for their birth certificates.

Customers looking for more information on the Puerto Rican birth certificate law may visit the
Puerto Rico Federal Affairs Administration website at:


If a customer insists on submitting his/her invalid Puerto Rico birth certificate, please do not refuse the customer and continue to accept/execute the application and follow normal acceptance procedures for submission to your regional passport agency or center.

This new law will not affect Puerto Rican citizens who currently have a U.S. passport and are eligible to submit Form DS-82:Application for a U.S. Passport by Mail.

Thank you!

U.S. Passport Applications for Children Under Age 16

Require Both Parents’ Consent

As provided by the Code of Federal Regulations, Title 22, section 51.28.

Important: All minors must appear in person when applying for a passport.

Both parents or child’s legal guardian must:

  1. Submit evidence of child’s U.S. citizenship and
  2. Submit evidence that they are the parents or guardian and
  3. Present valid personal identification and
  4. Submit a photocopy of the front and back of the identification shown and
  5. Sign and take oath before an authorized passport acceptance agent.

If the second parent is not available to sign, the appearing parent must:

  1. Complete the above and
  2. Present evidence of
    • Sole legal custody of the child or
    • Notarized written consent of the other parent for the issuance of the
      passport along with a photocopy of the non-appearing parent’s identification or
    • Written statement explaining why non-applying parent’s consent cannot be obtained

If no parent is available to sign, the third-party in loco parentis must:

  1. Appear with a notarized written statement or affidavit from both parents or custodial parent(s), authorizing the third-party to apply for passport. When the statement or affidavit is from only one parent, the third-party must present evidence of sole custody of the authorizing parent.
The law requires that all applications be signed under oath under penalty of perjury.

The most efficient way to apply for a child under age 16 is to present the required documentation and

  • For both parents to appear at the time of application or
  • If only one parent can apply, for the applying parent/ guardian
    to present the additional documentation at the time of application.

Incomplete submissions will delay passport issuance.

The passport fees paid at the time of application are non-refundable processing fees.

More online at travel.state.gov
Call the National Passport Information Center toll-free at
1-877-487-2778 (TDD/TTY: 1-888-847-7793)
Monday-Friday: 6 a.m. – 12 midnight, Saturday and Sunday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time, excluding Federal holidays.

Read section below for examples of acceptable evidence

For Children Under Age 16: Documentation Required
Citizenship, Relationship, and Identification

1. Evidence of child’s U.S. citizenship, one of the following:

Born in the U.S.

  • Certified U.S. birth certificate
  • Previous fully valid U.S. passport

Born Outside the U.S.

  • Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240)
  • Previous fully valid U.S. passport
  • Certificate of Citizenship or Naturalization from INS
  • Certification of Birth Abroad (Form DS-1350)
  • Other evidence of U.S. Citizenship

2. Evidence of child’s relationship to parents/guardian,one of the following:

Born in the U.S.

  • Certified U.S. birth certificate
    including parent(s)’ names
  • Adoption decree including adopting parent(s)’ names
  • Court order establishing full custody
  • Court order establishing guardianship and authority to apply for passport

Born Outside the U.S.

  • Certified foreign birth certificate
    including parent(s)’ names
  • Report of Birth Abroad (Form FS-240)
  • Certification of Birth Abroad (Form DS-1350) with parent(s)’ names
  • Adoption decree including adopting parent(s)’ names
  • Court order establishing custody
  • Court order establishing guardianship and authority to apply for passport

3. Parental identification, such as,one of the following:

  • Valid driver’s license
  • Valid official U.S. military ID
  • Valid government(Federal, State, Local) employee ID
  • Valid U.S. or foreign passport with recognizable photo
  • Certificate of Citizenship or Certificate of Naturalization with recognizable photo
  • Permanent Resident Alien Card

Parental Permission

1. Both parents appear or

2. Applying parent submits second parent’s notarized Form DS-3053,Statement of consent, or other notarized written statement consenting to passport issuance for child, along with a photocopy of the non-applying parent’s identification or

3. Applying parent submits primary evidence of sole authority to apply, such as one of the following:

  • Child’s certified U.S. or foreign birth certificate listing only applying parent
  • Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240) or Certification of Birth Abroad (DS13-50) listing only one parent
  • Court order granting sole custody (unless child’s travel is restricted by that order)
  • Adoption decree (listing only applying parent)
  • Court order specifically permitting applying parent’s or guardian’s travel with the child
  • Judicial declaration of incompetence of non-applying parent
  • Death certificate of non-applying parent or

4. Applying parent submits a written statement explaining why non-applying parent’s consent cannot be obtained or

5. Third-party in loco parent is appears with notarized written statement or affidavit from both parents or custodial parent(s) authorizing the third-party to apply for passport. When the notarized statement or affidavit is from only one parent, the third-party must present evidence of sole custody of the authorizing parent.

Children’s Passport Issuance Alert Program (CPIAP)

Parents may also request that their minor (under age 18 for this program) children’s names be entered in the U.S. Passport name-check system. The Children’s Passport Issuance Alert Program provides:

  • Notification to a parent if a passport application made on behalf of his/her minor child(ren), and
  • Denial of passport issuance if appropriate court order(s) is on file with the CPIAP and the parent does not consent to the passport issuance.

For more information, visit travel.state.gov/passport or contact the Office of Children’s Issues by phone at 1-888-407-4747 or email at childrenspassports@state.gov